(469) 740-0483

The Council of Ghanaian Associations DFW

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Okyeman Association


The organization is established within the meaning of IRS Publication 557 Section 501(c)(3) Organization of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The basic objectives of Okyeman Association of DFW shall include empowering each member through our shared interest and the unity derived from our common bond of friendship, and by so doing present a common front in our adopted country, The United States of America, to the benefit of those who are less fortunate whether in our adopted country or in our homeland Ghana. The Organization recognizes the power in numbers especially when harnessed and directed towards assisting members in time of need. As a non-profit association our activities shall not be limited to:
  • A. Assisting Health facilities in our homeland Ghana.
  • B. Assisting Education in Ghana.
  • C. Volunteering at least once a year to feed the homeless at a shelter in our adopted Country USA.
  • D. Communicating, cooperating, or collaborating with other similarly situated lawful associations that share our goals and aspirations.
  • E. To provide a platform for the promotion of information relating to the social and economic welfare of members in accordance with the philosophies enshrined in the preamble.
  • F. To promote solidarity among members and offer support and counseling assistance in crisis such as accidents, illness, death etc.